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Plan Landing Page Locks

The Plan Landing Page Locks page in the Administration panel allows you to control who is able to access the landing page of a plan.

When a Plan Landing Page is configured, it creates a publicly accessible URL. Because it is publicly available, it may be beneficial to prevent uninvited users or bots from using the page and creating garbage data.

When a locked landing page is navigated to without an correct token in the URL, a lock page is displayed.

Locked Landing Page

A signed URL (one with a valid key) can be generated three ways:

  • From the Landing Page admin screen - this allows "Invite only" plans. The link that is generated only lasts the configured amount of time,
  • From a Public Device. The links that the public device generate are signed and the QR Codes on the device rotate every minute.
  • A Third Party App. A secure handoff between another app and Healix can be configured.

To administer the locks go to the Administration panel and select Landing Page Locks.

Landing Page Locks

Click the + button to create a lock for a plan landing page or click the Edit button to modify the lock. The Secure Link button generates a secure URL which can be sent to a user.

Edit Landing Page Lock

  • Plan Template Select the Plan to lock
  • Secret - A random string that is used to generate tokens
  • Minutes Valid - How long the signed URL is valid for. If you are emailing the signed URL, then consider the workflow process. For example, one day would provide the recipient a day to complete the landing page tasks. If the landing page is accessed from a Public Device, a much shorter time, e.g. 10 minutes would be more secure
  • Effective Date - When this particular secret comes into effect. If signed URL is being used as a way for a third party app to securely hand off to Healix, Effective Date can be used to manage key rotation

Secure Hand-off With Third Party Apps

Healix can be used as a part of a workflow using different products. An app can launch Healix by simply directing a user to a Plan Landing Page.

The problem is that the plan landing page is public and it may be required that users complete the prior steps in the flow involving a third party app.

In order to do this, the calling app can generate a signed URL with the shared secret.

The following is example code, in Typescript node for doing so:

import { differenceInSeconds, parseISO } from 'date-fns';
import { createHmac } from 'crypto';

export interface SecureTimestamp {
timestamp: string;
hmac: string;

export interface TimestampValidation {
valid: boolean;
ageInSeconds: number;
timedOut: boolean;

export interface HmacSecret {
secret: string;
minutesValid: number;

export class SecureTimestampService {
public static generateSecureTimestamp(secretKey: string, atTime: Date = new Date()): SecureTimestamp {
const timestamp = atTime.toISOString(); // Get current UTC timestamp in seconds
const hmac = createHmac('sha256', secretKey).update(timestamp).digest('hex'); // Generates HMAC in hexadecimal format
return { timestamp, hmac };

public static validateTimestamp(args: {
receivedTimestamp: string;
receivedHmac: string;
hmacSecret: HmacSecret;
currentTime?: Date;
}): TimestampValidation {
const { receivedTimestamp, receivedHmac, hmacSecret } = args;
const currentTime = args.currentTime || new Date();
const minutesValid = hmacSecret.minutesValid;
const logger = Logger.newLogger(undefined, 'LandingPageSecretService.validateTimestamp');
const hmac = createHmac('sha256', hmacSecret.secret).update(receivedTimestamp).digest('hex');
const valid = hmac === receivedHmac; // Returns true if HMACs match
const ageInSeconds = differenceInSeconds(currentTime, parseISO(receivedTimestamp));
const timedOut = ageInSeconds > minutesValid * 60;
return { valid, ageInSeconds, timedOut };